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Finance Department
The Finance Department is responsible for ensuring sound fiscal policies related to the use of City's resources. The Department oversees revenue collection operations which include property taxes, occupational taxes, business license fees, net profit taxes, and insurance premium taxes. The Department provides cash management duties, budget forecasting, and interim financial statement preparation for the City. The Finance Department also provides accounts payable and debt management functions. A priority of the Department is to provide accurate information and customer service to our citizens and outside agencies.
Interested in starting a business?
Can I use the seller's license until I get my own?No. KRS 243.530 prohibits the transfer of license from one seller to another.
Does my application have to be complete before it's turned in?Yes. Please see KRS 243.370 and KRS 243.390 for more information.
How long does it take to get a license?Approximately 30-50 days if everything runs smoothly. Further information can be found at KRS 243.360.
How much does a license cost?Cost varies depending on the type of license.
What type of license do I need?This depends on the type of business that you intend to operate. KRS 243.030 and KRS 243.040
Do I need to furnish my own background check?Effective January 19, 2019, no criminal history check is required to obtain an ABC license. However, on the state issued forms, there are questions that require truthful answers in regards to your background. Once these questions are answered, you must sign an affidavit to ensure the complete honesty behind your answers.
Do I need to furnish my lease?Yes, unless the exact entity to hold the ABC license is the owner of the real estate where the business is located.
What are the requirements for obtaining a license?*You must be at least 21 years of age to apply. *Individuals, partners, officers, directors or managers may not apply if, within the past five years, they have been convicted of any felony or within the past two years have been convicted of any alcohol or controlled substance misdemeanor. KRS 243.100

The City of Madisonville has received the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award for the past 35 years. In order to be awarded a certificate of achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements.
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