Electric Department
City of Madisonville Municipal Electric Utilities is a municipally owned utility with diversified goals and resources aimed at providing for current and future needs of its customers. The Electric Utility Department will assure progress by developing new and improved techniques and procedures throughout its operation to provide high quality service at the lowest possible cost to its customers.​
City of Madisonville Municipal Electric Utilities will pursue opportunities to meet the responsibility of a corporate community citizen and good neighbor by maintaining an active interest in economic and social issues that affect its operation as a vital instrument of community growth and development. The Electric Utility will be dedicated to conservation of natural resources and maintenance of a healthy environment. This dedication will be demonstrated by a safe and dependable electric system.
*Disclaimer: Actual rates fluctuate on a monthly basis due to PCA costs.
How do I obtain a General Electric Service?
Fill out the application. You can download it online here, pick one up at 609 McCoy Avenue or call (270) 824-2130 to have one faxed or emailed over to you.
Turn in your application at 609 McCoy Avenue, fax it to us at (270) 824-0167 or email it to bporter@madisonvillegov.com.
Madisonville Electric Department will notify applicant when the contract is ready to be signed.
After being notified, the Energy Service Contract must be signed. This can be done in person, by email or fax.
Pay your deposit in person or by phone. Energy service deposit does not cover any expenses for service relocation and/or utility construction if needed.
How do I obtain a Residential Electric Service?
Fill out the application. You can download it online here, pick one up at 77 North Main Street or call (270) 824-2130 to have one faxed or emailed over to you.
Turn in your application at 77 North Main Street , fax it to us at (270) 821-0271 or email it to lstash@madisonvillegov.com.
Pay your deposit in person or by phone (if required). MMU may require a copy of a tenant's lease agreement. Customers may be required to pay a deposit. MMU will use an "on line" credit information service to determine the deposit amount. All residential accounts will be charged a $25 service fee. Per Kentucky Revised Statute customer deposits are returned with interest to the customer after an established period of 18 months with no delinquent notices to the account. No transfer of security deposit to another account is permitted.
The Difference between Residential and Commercial?
A residential electric service is a service supplied to a residential customer living in a single family dwelling unit for domestic purposes only and when all the electric service is supplied through one meter. If a portion of the electric service supplied to a dwelling is used for nonresidential (non-domestic) purposes, the customer can arrange his wiring so that the electric service for residential purposes can be separately metered. Only family dwelling units for domestic purposes qualify for Residential Service. All other services shall be considered Commercial.
Note: All service agreements, except for temporary or short-term service, shall be for a term of five years or longer unless permanently terminated by the customer. At the expiration of such term, unless the agreement contains a definite extension provision, the service agreement shall be automatically extended indefinitely until cancelled by either party. Applications for temporary or short-term service shall be accepted when MMU has capacity available at the point of delivery and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable service schedule.
Upon receipt of this information, the Electric Department will begin the process to supply power to your business, including examination of the electrical service. After completion of these steps, the "Energy Services Contract" will be prepared for your review and signature. An officer of the company and/or owner should go to 609 McCoy Avenue to finalize the contract, please have proper identification available. A minimum of three business days will be necessary to process your request.

Brad Porter
Phone: (270) 824-2130
Email: bporter@madisonvillegov.com